

Showcase of Recent HDR Research in Agriculture & Resource Economics


3 September 2024


5:30pm - 7:30pm ACST


Department for Industry, Innovation and Science of South Australia, Kaurna Room, Level 4, 11 Waymouth Street Adelaide.


  • Mimi Salminah - Public-Private Preference Alignment Towards Effective Biodiversity Restoration.

  • Zaura Fadhliani - Optimizing Land-Use Reallocation at Alternative Farm Scales: A Case Study of Indonesia's Sugar Self-Sufficiency Program.
  • Sophie Lountain - Inventing the WEaL: Measuring Women’s Empowerment in South Asia.
  • Thi Xuan Dieu Phan - Sustainable home-cooked food consumption behaviours: An empirical study of urban households in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

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The South Australian branch of AARES is hosting a showcase of recent HDR research on agricultural, environmental, food system,and gender economics. 

We have a strong list of presenters from both the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia.  Each presentation will last 10 minutes, with the opportunity of questions. These presentations will be followed by networking.

This is a FREE event for AARES members and non-members.

For any enquiries, please contact Daniel Hill.

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